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27 years old, he drives since 2007. In the last three years he won 30 races and 84 places. He participated in the Mediterranean Championship 2018, placing in the Moscow legs.
111 wins in career in France, he participated in the Mediterranean Championship 2018, placing in the legs of Pozarevac and Syracuse.
Mediterranean Champion 2018, he is 31 years old. He run 458 races with 35 wins and 181 places. In 2019 he won three races of the series: in Malta, Serbia and Moscow. In Italy he won the Syracuse City Prize. He also run in the United States of America, placing at Monticello Racecourse.
47 year old, he is a very experienced driver. Over 6500 races in career with about 1000 wins and 2000 places. In Malta he won the Tazza l-Kbira three times. He participated several times in the Mediterranean Championship and also in the World Driving Championship and in the European Drivers Championship.
50 years old, he raced 3567 races in career with over 400 wins.
Vice Mediterranean Championship 2018, he won the final race on 8 December in Syracuse. 41 years old, driver and trainer with 188 wins in career and a long international experience in Hungaria, Austria, Italy, Germany and France, along with several participation in the Mediterranean Championship.